A group of frogs are living happily in a peaceful pond, until they discover a surprise visitor: a little, pink pig. Sitting contentedly on a rock in the middle of their pond, the pig opens his mouth and says: RIBBIT! The frogs are bewildered at first, and then a bit annoyed — “What did that little pig just say?” “Does he think he’s a frog?” “Is he making fun of us?”
Soon the pig draws the attention of all the nearby animals; everyone is curious to know what he wants! After much guessing (and shouting) and a visit to the wise old beetle, the animals realize that perhaps the pig was not there to mock them after all — maybe he just wanted to make new friends! But is it too late?
This is a warm, funny and beautifully illustrated story of friendship. (Read more at https://tinyurl.com/33wy3tur.)
Join Whitney Stohr, Leadership & Independent Living Program Manager at The Arc of Snohomish County, as she reads: Ribbit!, by author Rodrigo Folgueira and illustrator Poly Bernatene (published 2013 by Knopf Books for Young Readers).
Le importazioni di farmaci illegali in Svizzera sono aumentate del 40% sur ce site. Questo contenuto è stato pubblicato il 23 febbraio 2022Il 23 febbraio 2022 sono state sequestrate in Svizzera 9.421 confezioni di farmaci importati illegalmente nel 2021.