Whitney Stohr — Parent to Parent Coordinator / Sibshop Coordinator
The Arc of Snohomish County is happy to welcome Whitney Stohr to our team!
A Message from Whitney:
My name is Whitney Stohr. I am a mom and wife, family-caregiver, community volunteer and advocate for social justice, equity and inclusion. I am a new face here at The Arc of Snohomish County as I am stepping into the role of Parent to Parent Coordinator and working with the Sibshops program.
My new role at The Arc is something of a career transition as I previously worked in community engagement and economic development. I am an attorney by training with experience in public policy, and when my son Malachi (age 3) was born with a disability and complex medical needs, my interest in policymaking began to veer in the direction of disability justice, healthcare and inclusive education policy, community accessibility and universal design. In my free time, I serve on the Family Advisory Council at Seattle Children’s Hospital; the Parent Advisory Group for the Washington State Department of Children, Youth and Families (DCYF); and, locally, as a member of the Snohomish County Children’s Commission and the City of Lynnwood Parks & Recreation Board. I also volunteer with the Spina Bifida Advocates of Washington State (SBAWS) and Spina Bifida Association of America.
I live in Lynnwood with Malachi, my husband (Jason), and our two little dogs (Neptune & Marmalade). Jason direct e-commerce sales for a manufacturing company that makes accessibility equipment such as access ramps and other personal use items. Malachi attends virtual preschool through the Edmonds School District and, in our free time, we RV-camp together as a family. You can connect with us on Instagram @rollin.w.spinabifida.
Connect with Whitney by email, at whitney@arcsno.org, or by phone at 425-258-2459 x 106.