Housing Considerations and Helpful Resources for People with Disabilities
In this post, we seek to highlight some helpful resources for individuals with disabilities, their care-partners and families, who want to better understand housing policies and the options available to people with disabilities. The resources below may be especially helpful for those who are new to the world of disability and housing and/or the vast array of issues (e.g. finances, caregiving) that can impact available housing options and financial support.
The Arc of Snohomish County
Housing Resources — arcsno.org/resources/housing
Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS)
Community Residential Services for Adults
Information: Community First Choice (CFC) & Home- and Community-Based Services (HCBS)
Community Homes
A nonprofit organization that provides, promotes and sustains exceptional community-based housing for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Informational Webinars: Housing Readiness Workshops
Washington State Father’s Network
A nonprofit organization connecting and supporting the fathers and male caregivers of children with disabilities and complex medical needs.
On March 1st, 2022, the Father’s Network will host a webinar/workshop on the topic “Planning for Housing: Accessing Benefits, Roommate Matching, and Shared Living Development Services.” Register to attend this workshop, and others, at fathersnetwork.org/training-workshops.
Open Doors for Multicultural Families
A nonprofit organization providing culturally and linguistically relevant information, services and programming for diverse families of persons with developmental and intellectual disabilities. Access information, or connect with Open Doors staff, at multiculturalfamilies.org.