A “Klee Cats” Project for Arc Siblings
The Arc of Snohomish County was thrilled to welcome Ms. Lori from Imagine Children’s Museum in Everett to host a special Sibshop event on Thursday, May 12th.
Participants used an oil pastel medium to create a feline inspired masterpiece in the style of artist Paul Klee (b.1879 – d.1940).
Look at those works of art!
Aren’t they just PURRRRFECT?!
Sibshops are designed for children, ages 8 to 12, who have siblings with developmental disabilities. The Arc of Snohomish County also offers a Teen Sib Connection program, for youth ages 13 to 18. Learn more about the national Sibshop movement at siblingsupport.org.
A BIG thank you to Imagine Children’s Museum, our community partner, and museum educator Ms. Lori, for leading this very special event. Learn more about Imagine Children’s Museum at imaginecm.org.
Whitney Stohr is the Leadership & Independent Living Program Manager at The Arc of Snohomish County. She is passionate about advocating for medically complex children and children with disabilities and their families. She is a mom and medical caregiver herself, who is energized by working closely with other parent/family caregivers. She lives with her spouse and their four-year-old son Malachi in Lynnwood. Connect with her on Instagram @rollin.w.spinabifida. Contact: whitney@arcsno.org.