Launch Recite Me assistive technology

Walk the Line - Validating Feelings While Holding Limits

 Registration is closed for this event
Katie Jo Galvas, LMFT, CMHS is an experienced therapist working with children and youth with developmental disabilities, behavioral issues and anxiety through a variety of evidenced based methods, including Collaborative Problem Solving, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Emotion-Focused Family Therapy. Katie will present how we (parents) can provide both support and compassion for our children’s struggles and in the same time set clear limits. This Presentation will give you skills, based on both Emotion-Focused Family Therapy and Collaborative Problem Solving to walk this fine line.
December 14th, 2020 from  7:00 PM to  8:30 PM

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The Arc office is open by appointment only

Monday - Friday from 10am - 3pm

127 E. Intercity Ave. Suite C
Everett, WA 98208

(425) 258-2459